Chairman's Message
Advocate Sri. KARUNAKARAN NAMBIAR K . BA LLB., Sahakar Bharati Kerala State PresidentWelcome to the Website of The Kasaragod Co-operative Town Bank Ltd., No. 970, Kasaragod. The Bank was established in the year 1912 by some eminent personalities of Kasaragod town. We have our Head Office and five branches in Kasaragod Municipality and another five branches at Kumbla, Mulleria, Palakunnu, Kanhangad and Badiadka. We obtained license from Reserve Bank of India in the year 1974 and thereafter functioning under the control and guidance of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the Reserve Bank of India and thereby the deposits of our customers are quite safe in our Bank.
We celebrated 2012 as the Centenary year of the Bank. We meet the financial requirements of the people of Kasaragod by advancing various types of loans including business, housing, vehicles , marriages and other priority and weaker section as per the directions of Reserve Bank of India.
We are always at the Banking services of the people of Kasaragod to accomplish the objectives, we need your active co-operation and sustained participation and interaction.
Phone Number:+91 9447469668